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Candy dust at the end of the information rainbow.

"Before we got back to the car, Kara remembered Joe's cow. Or, more specifically, one of Joe's cows, the one they heard bawling one morning. She just kept on bawling. Finally, somebody went to check on her. They found her 12 feet down in a small sinkhole. And it was a brand new sinkhole. It was born right under the cow. A small portion of the earth sank and the cow sank with it."

--The Knoxville News-Sentinel

Sinking further into the sinkhole you will find lime, berry and banana flavors, with all types of media adhered to each gummy surface. Inside this trinity of artifice you may encounter your own doppelganger and proceed to duel it; you may receive an upset stomach and develop a cavity; or you may simply flee--though in any scenario you have been touched by the sucrose, and it has had its effect.

S            S              S
 Si	      Si              Si
  Sin	        Sin             Sin
    Sink	  Sink             Sink
     Sinki          Sinki            Sinki
      Sinkin          Sinkin            Sinkin
       Sinking          Sinking            Sinking
         Sinking.	   Sinking.           Sinking.
          Sinking..          Sinking..           Sinking..
            Sinking...          Sinking...          Sinking...       SANK.

This is not a flag. This is not a Japanese surf fanatic playing a beautiful 
Mosrite guitar from the 60's.  He is not sinking in a sinkhole. This is not your country.

-lime- | -anonymousberry- | -banana- | -the blowhole of true evil-